Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Webcams Ahoy!

So anyway, because I live in a hick town (well it's actually quite a big hick town. A hick city even) I'm quite excited about the webcams set up in our main street for the festival. So everyone immediately go to the Tamworth Website and marvel at the wonder of technology!

Oh yeah, and if you stay tuned after the 20th, you'll actually get to see the festival in progress. For now all you can see is a regular old main street.

Right now, listening to The Whitlams' "Love This City". A good choice of album, actually, because I do...

Oh and welcome to all those members who had to get a second invitation (gasp) in order to convince them to join the blog ;-)


At 6:04 pm, Blogger Matthew Frazer said...

Can I just say:


Well I've always said Tamworth is a pretty special place... and that the festival is more than country music.

Not so sure about that story about Tommy Emmanuel buying the buskers a guitar :-S I'm reasonably sure that Tommy didn't come to the festival this year, though I could be wrong. I know that his brother Phil was around because I saw him perform twice, so maybe it was him.

Can't say I saw Jabaru in my travels down the street but I didn't do much busker-spotting, so that's not a surprise...

BTW did anyone actually look at the webcams? I'm not sure if they're still set up. The festival finished on Sunday morning and was pretty much packed up by Sunday night!

At 6:10 pm, Blogger Matthew Frazer said...

As it turns out, the webcam links have been removed from the Tamworth website after the festival. But never fear, I found the pages still set up buried in the basement of that site and the webcams seem to still be operating.

You can see the two cameras here and here.

Aren't I good to you? :-P


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